
10X The Sales Of Your Members.

Register your members to Voice For Locals. Let's enable them, market them & grow their sales to sign up for a life time membership.

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Supporting 22K+ women entrepreneurs from business networks & social groups across 13 countries.

What’s In It For Members?

Members will be made self-reliant & self-resilient against all odds to stay profitable. The mission is to save their time & money to attract & retain customers, effortlessly. Members should be able to innovate new products & new processes knowing customer’s expectations and experiences with the help of our:

Digital apps & solutions
Marketing effectiveness programme
e-Learning modules
Certifications & global recognitions
Business & tech advice

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What’s In It For Business Networks?

Local business networks include chambers of commerce, NGOs, federations, accelerators, women entrepreneur groups and other bodies interested in the growth of the local economy.

Members over time will either leave a network or try other network when they don't see monetary returns in a membership. Voice For Locals program is designed to increase the value to the membership through tools, training, techniques, innovations & data to deliver the member benefits:

Value addition to members
New member referrals
Mobile apps in membership
E-Learning course in membership
Certifications in membership
Train your business advisors
Discounts on local insight reports

So What’s Next?

The programme is designed to renew local communities across the UK.

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Let’s 'Voice For Locals', together!

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